Purple Gallinule

While backing up image files yesterday, I came across an image of a Purple Gallinule that I photographed in Everglades National Park. It was a rewarding discovery, because it brought back memories of that visit to the Everglades and the pleasure of watching the Purple Gallinule scooting across lily pads in search of food.

I was in the Everglades very early, when I found the Purple Gallinule, and the morning sun was brightly illuminating its colorful iridescent feathers. Gallinules live in swamps and wetlands in southeast United States. They eat a wide variety of food including frogs, grasshoppers, dragonflies, spiders and water plants. The Purple Gallinule is not a very good flyer, but it is an excellent wader. It uses its long toes to distribute its weight, when walking on lily pads.

Purple Gallinule Wings


About Stephen L Tabone

Retired Executive Consultant and Nature Photographer
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7 Responses to Purple Gallinule

  1. Pam says:

    Great pictures! It is always a real treat when we see one. Never cease to be amazed by how big the feet are.

  2. maryann24_2000 says:

    Thanks for sharing….colors are  amazing.Hope you feel better soon.Maryann

    Sent from my Samsung smartphone, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone

  3. Anonymous says:

    Two more outstanding shots! Thanks for sharing.

  4. Roger Jaimeyfield says:

    Superb..beautiful…you have many talents. B.I.L.

    Sent from my iPad


  5. kensnover says:

    Wow – Now that is neat and colorful as well. Was not familiar with the Gallinule and never saw one before although raised in Fla. Thanks – Ken

  6. kensnover says:

    Wow – Now that is neat and colorful as well. Was not familiar with the Gallinule and never saw one before although raised in Fla. Thanks – Ken

  7. Anonymous says:

    Love that morning light on a beautiful bird… look forward to catching up with them one of these days 🙂

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