Spider Web on Tuscawilla Prairie

Shortly after sunrise on December 14, 2011, I went to Tuscawilla Prairie Preserve south of Gainesville, Florida, hoping to find wildlife or early morning sunlit landscapes to photograph. After arriving at the preserve, I could hear Sandhill Cranes nearby, but could not see them. The vegetation in the prairie was very tall and mostly shades of brown from the fall and lack of rain. Its height blocked any distance viewing or photography.

As I walked the trail, I noticed a nearly perfect and abandoned spider web that was covered in the morning dew. It was glistening in the morning sunlight, and the dew drops on the web looked like tiny pearls. After setting up my tripod and mounting my camera, I captured that special moment. It was special because the web would be gone shortly and most likely not seen by anyone else. It also was special because I did not see anything else on the trail worth photographing. Regardless, it was a beautiful, cool morning in an unspoiled natural setting that was peaceful, relaxing and refreshing.

Double click on the images to zoom in on the web

Last night, I processed more of my images that I shot in December at Paynes Prairie Preserve State Park focusing specifically on a River Otter that was hunting and catching fish, and then bringing them to its nearby den. I was not able to see the den, but I able to photograph the otter as it was working the nearby shoreline. I will be posting an article with those images this weekend.

About Stephen L Tabone

Retired Executive Consultant and Nature Photographer
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4 Responses to Spider Web on Tuscawilla Prairie

  1. Evelyn says:

    I hate to be repetitive BUT this really is a masterpiece–reminds me so much of a woman doing some beautiful crocheting or tattng and after all the time spent, she dropped a few stitches–this really should be entered in competition.

  2. Anne says:

    I agree with Evelyn, this is an amazing photo! She said it all in comparing it with lace workers. What a beautiful creation the spider had woven … just glad not to see the spider. LOL!

  3. Mac says:

    A spider’s symphony captured by an astute conductor.

  4. dawnwink says:

    Dear Stephen,
    What a beautiful photo!
    I am going to write a piece on my blog, Dewdrops, titled The Web – it will focus on the intricate web of friendships and connections in our lives. I stumbled on your photo of a web here. I’m wondering if I might give you full credit and include a link to your site and include this as the visual for my piece?
    I wrote a piece earlier about The Nest: http://dawnwink.wordpress.com/2012/10/11/the-nest/
    This can give you a sense of my writing style and what you might expect. I can be reached at dawn@dawnwink.com.
    Thank you for your time and consideration.
    All my best,

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